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Parking at Drake University 2024-2025

Parking Maps

Please see below for a link to the interactive parking map or a printable PDF version.

Interactive online Parking Map


Parking Registration

Online Parking Registration. You will be prompted to log in to your Drake account, then simply follow on-screen prompts to complete your registration.  (Online portal for Fall permits opens July 8, 2024)

Please note that refunds for parking passes are not available after the add/drop period of the fall or spring semesters, and lost permits are not replaced free of charge. 

You will be contacted with instructions on when/where you can receive your permit.  

Parking Rules:

University Employees

All employees who wish to park on campus must register their vehicles with the Department of Public Safety.  Upon completion of a vehicle registration,  employees receive a commuter permit.  Employee permits are valid in their designated zones Monday - Friday from 6 am - to 4:30 pm and in any commuter lot from 4:30 pm until 2 am weekdays and all day Saturday and Sunday.  The valid permit must be properly displayed from the rear view mirror facing outward.  Vehicles not properly displaying a valid permit are considered unregistered and are subject to ticketing and/or towing.

Parking illegally because the lot is full, other vehicles are parked illegally, or because the staff member may be late are not valid excuses.  Overnight parking for faculty and staff is not available except for Residence Life live-in staff.  If faculty or staff are traveling on official University business, they may receive a travel permit from the Public Safety Department allowing them to park their car overnight in Lot 4 or 29.


All students wishing to park on campus must register their vehicles with the Department of Public Safety.  Upon completion of a parking registration:

  • Commuter students are eligible to receive a commuter permit
  • On-campus resident students are eligible to receive a resident permit

Eligible students may choose to purchase annual, spring semester, or summer permits.  The permit must be properly displayed from the rear view mirror facing outward.  Vehicles not properly displaying a valid permit are considered unregistered and are subject to ticketing and/or towing.

Accessible and Medical Parking Permits

Faculty, staff and student vehicles that possess state-issued accessible license plates or permits must still possess a valid Drake University parking permit to park on Drake property.

Temporary Parking Permits

It is the responsibility of students, faculty and staff to ensure their visitors and guests obtain temporary parking permits either prior to their arrival through the campus Eventbrite site or by paying via the ParkDsm App for the visitor parking lot located at 25th and Carpenter (Lot 1A) or University and 29th street (Lot 20).  The only exceptions to this rule are guests of the Office of Admission who receive their temporary parking passes from the Admission Office.

Temporary parking permits are also issued to vehicles that will only be on campus for a few days (up to two weeks).  Temporary permits are issued for the following:

  1. Day Visitors: On campus between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m.
  2. Weekend Residence Hall Visitors: Requires Residence Life approval, valid overnight and during the day Friday beginning at 5 p.m. through Sunday at 5 p.m.
  3. Weeklong Residence Hall Parking Pass: Only available to resident students.

                                         Permit Types / Cost:

Commuter Permits:Those who commute to campus, including students, may purchase a commuter permit for a particular zone, based on their parking and price preferences. High demand lots cost more, while low demand peripheral lots cost less. Commuter parking permits are limited to lots within the selected zone.

Resident Students:  Valid 24 hours a day in all resident / overnight lots.

Evening Permits:  Valid from 4:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. and all day on weekends in any commuter lot.

Visitor Permits (both Resident and Commuter available): can be purchased online with a debit or credit card (temporary pass) - metered parking is also available in visitor lots

Current Parking Permit Rates are listed in the registration portal.


Parking Regulations

Vehicles may only be parking in clearly designated legal parking spaces.  Areas posted with signs restricting parking (accessible, service vehicles, loading zones, fire lanes, etc.) must be observed and complied with.  Parking in any travel lane, taking more than one parking space, blocking another vehicle, or parking on the lawn are all prohibited.  It is neither possible nor desirable to post all areas on campus where vehicles may not park.  Specifically, vehicles are prohibited from all lawns, except when specifically authorized.  Driving or parking on any sidewalks or pedestrian ways is strictly prohibited.  Parking regulations are in effect throughout the year (all 365 days), including breaks in the academic calendar.

Commuter lots are designated by signage and are available seven days a week from 6 a.m. to 2 a.m.

Parking Violations and Fines


Standard parking fines are $25 with the exception of Fire Lanes which are $50 and Accessible Spaces which are $100.  There is an automatic minimum charge of $100 if a vehicle is towed or booted. 

Definitions of Specific Violations

  1. Parked on Sidewalk: Vehicles parked on sidewalks are strictly prohibited.  Vehicles in violation may be towed at the owners’ expense.  (See towing below).
  2. Accessible Space: Only vehicles that display a valid state-issued accessible license plate or permit and has a valid Drake parking permit may park in an accessible space.  Vehicles in violation may be towed at the owner’s expense.  (See towing below).
  3. Fire Hydrant: Vehicles may not park within 15 feet of a fire hydrant.  Vehicles in violation may be towed at the owners’ expense.  (See towing below).
  4. Fire Lane, Roadway, Tow Zone: Vehicles may not park in any designated fire lanes, travel lane or tow away zone.  Vehicles in violation may be towed at the owners’ expense.  (See towing below).
  5. Restricted Space: Vehicles may not park in a reserved space between 6 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday – Friday (unless the space is marked reserved 24 hours).
  6. Vehicles Parked on the Lawn: Except for specifically approved events, vehicles may not park on the lawn.
  7. Unregistered Vehicle or Not a Valid Parking Permit. All vehicles on campus must be registered with the Department of Public Safety.  Vehicles parked on campus that are not registered with the Department of Public Safety and do not possess a valid parking permit may be towed at the owners’ expense.  (See towing below).
  8. Not a Legal Space: Vehicles may only be parked in clearly designated legal parking spaces.  These violations include but are not limited to, parking in a travel lane, blocking another vehicle, taking more than one parking space.
  9. Loading Zone: Loading zones allowing access to buildings must be kept clear of vehicles, particularly at the bookstore, mail center and at all dining halls.
  10. Warning Ticket: Vehicles may only be parked in clearly designated legal parking spaces with a valid parking permit.

 Payment of Fines

All fines are payable at the Student Services Center (or by sending in a check) within 30 days of tickets being issued. 

Student Services Center, Olmsted Center, 2875 University Ave, Des Moines, IA 50311

Emailed invoices can also be sent so citations can be paid online.  If you want an emailed invoice, please send your citation or license plate number to, and we'll create your invoice.


All vehicles towed are done so at the owners’ expense.  Vehicles that have been towed require a voucher from Drake Public Safety prior to picking up the vehicle from the tow company.  Any vehicle eligible for towing in which the owner returns to the vehicle, or the vehicle is moved before the arrival of the tow company shall be assessed a charge of the ticket plus $50.  All outstanding fines must be paid in full.

Services Provided to Disabled Vehicles

Upon request, the Department of Public Safety will assist on-campus motorists with disabled vehicles by providing a jump-start and will provide assistance to those who have locked their keys in their vehicle when staffing permits.  If Public Safety is not able to assist, we will provide a local business that may assist at the owner’s expense.  Call the Department of Public Safety at 515-271-2222.

Ticket Appeals

Parking tickets may be appealed within 14 days of receipt (date of the ticket).  A Parking Ticket Appeal form is available at the Department of Public Safety office or here and must be completed.  A ticket history, listing any previous tickets is then attached to the appeal.  The appeal is reviewed and either approved or denied based on the facts presented and information available.  The following are situations that are typically not accepted as valid extenuating circumstances for parking in violation of Drake University parking regulations:

An appeal based on:

  • How long you were parked in violation. Public Safety Officers will issue a parking ticket to any vehicle parked in violation of regulations.  An appeal that states the vehicle was only parked for two minutes, five minutes, etc. is not considered valid.  A parking restriction holds for parking for any period of time.
  • Your need to get to class / work / an appointment on time. It typically requires a few minutes to locate a parking space within the campus’ extensive parking system.  It is suggested that faculty / staff members plan their schedules to allow sufficient time to find and park in a legal space.
  • The assertion that class was not in session. Parking regulations are in effect throughout the entire calendar year (all 365 days), including breaks in the academic calendar.
  • Your need to load or unload. Any vehicle that does not receive prior authorization from the Department of Public Safety Office and displays a permit is in violation of parking regulations.  Approval cannot be granted after the fact for loading / unloading.
  • The appellant’s assertion that he or she did not see the sign or line markings. It is the driver’s responsibility to note and comply with all posted signage, notices and line markings.
  • A guest / visitor stating that he or she was not aware of the parking regulations. It is well publicized that faculty, staff and students are responsible for obtaining a valid parking permit for their guests and should ensure that their guest parks legally.
  • The assertion that the customer forgot to register his or her vehicle. All vehicles must be registered with the Department of Public Safety.  No matter how short a period you might have the vehicle on campus or if you are waiting for new plates, your driver’s license or vehicle registration, etc., a temporary parking permit can be issued.  Vehicles not properly displaying a valid permit are considered unregistered.
  • Vehicle malfunctions. Customers who experience a vehicle malfunction should contact the Department of Public Safety office for assistance.  Public Safety can assist with on-campus vehicle jump-starts and unlocks, or will assist with contacting a service garage for you.
  • The use of four-way hazard flashers. Four-way flashers are designated to warn other motorists that your vehicle may be a hazard.  Use of four-way flashers does not allow you to park illegally for any period.

Drake has three types of parking lots‌, designated by signage:
(Campus Map)

  • Commuter lots: Open seven days a week, 6 to 2 a.m.
  • Residential lots: Open 24/7
  • Visitor lots: Open seven days a week, 6 am - 2 am



Policy Statement


Drake Public Safety,
    non-emergency - 515-271-2222

- Des Moines police, fire, ambulance,
     emergency - 911

-  Des Moines police,
     non-emergency 515-283-4811

- Student Health Center  

- Employee Assistance Program

Title IX